Property Finance

Our road to observability

Sean Sitton

11 Jan 2024

You will have seen from our recent blogs by Simon, Vaishakh and Rashaad, that our journey over the last 18 months has gone from strength to strength and how we’ve got to where we are today with an incredible team… to further support this and our continued growth, one of our big drives throughout Q4 and beyond into 2023 is observability!

In simple terms, that’s providing us with improved visibility of what’s happening across our applications and systems, but in more technical terms, our improved ability to measure our platforms and applications' current state based on several data outputs that we closely monitor through collated logs, metrics, and traces, and bringing these all together to provide us with an informed view.

Over recent months, we’ve been busy building on our monitoring, alerting and observability capabilities to provide us with this increased insight across our organisation with the goal of maintaining high levels of stability, whilst further enhancing our customer experience.

How have we done this?

By building on our collaborative culture here at Nomo Fintech and combining our IT operations practices alongside our software development skills, we’ve started to introduce Site Reliability Engineering (SRE).

Implementing SRE allows us to focus on improving our overall service level offerings, from the initial design and deployment to the go-live of a product or feature, working with this mindset provides us with the opportunity to continually refine and improve our products and services.

Our SRE team members are dedicating more time to understanding our applications and infrastructure components in-depth and how they interact together to see where they can be further improved, focusing on a few areas including monitoring, alerting, reliability and security, coupled with introducing more effective ways of resolving issues quickly and efficiently to ensure we achieve our reliability targets.

To keep up our drive in this space, the teams at Nomo Fintech continue to work together closely to enhance and improve our services ensuring as a team we stay on top of the right methods and metrics to monitor, measure, and report on with the customer at the core of everything we do.

Our journey continues…

Whilst we are still in the early part of our exciting journey in this space, we’ve made some great progress in laying out the foundations to keep us on the right path, whilst implementing a strong range of tools and working practices that are now repeatable across our growing number of squads to continue to deliver great things in 2023 and beyond!

Want to see how our journey continues? Watch this space!

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